Aardvark and Bandicoot, Chapter 5

Thursday 5 May 2016, 12:25

In which there is No More Progress, and a Management Decision is Made

[first chapter] | [all in this series]

Aardvark: Are you almost finished with that module for evaluating expressions?

Bandicoot: Yes! I have your module for parsing strings 80% complete!

A: Friend Bandicoot...

Aardvark and Bandicoot, Chapter 4

Wednesday 4 May 2016, 12:25

In which there Has been a Little More Progress, but Just a Little

[first chapter] | [all in this series]

Aardvark: Friend Bandicoot, where do you stand with the expression evaluation module?

Bandicoot: I'm about 80% finished with the expression parser, Friend Aardvark. It's fun! I do like parsing.

Continue to Chapter 5.

Aardvark and Bandicoot, Chapter 3

Tuesday 3 May 2016, 12:25

In which Progress is Reported

[first chapter] | [all in this series]

Aardvark: Friend Bandicoot, how is that expression evaluator coming along?

Bandicoot: Oh, you mean the parser? It's about 75% complete, Friend Aardvark.

Continue to Chapter 4.

Aardvark and Bandicoot, Chapter 2

Monday 2 May 2016, 12:25

In which Some Points are Clarified, but One is Left Unanswered

[first chapter] | [all in this series]

Bandicoot: Friend Aardvark, Friend Aardvark!

Aardvark: Oh, good morning, Friend Bandicoot. I see you're wearing your programming pants again today.

B: Trousers.

A: What?

Aardvark and Bandicoot, Chapter 1

Sunday 1 May 2016, 12:25

"Ah, why, ye Gods! should two and two make four?"
- Alexander Pope, "The Dunciad"

In which a Project is Initiated

Bandicoot: Good afternoon, Friend Aardvark. I trust you're well?

Aardvark: Yes, thank you, Friend Bandicoot. Are you ready to do some software engineering?

Axel Harvey

Sunday 21 February 2016, 07:39

I would like to say a few words about my close friend Axel Harvey, who I'm informed died yesterday.

The Pudding Fallacy

Sunday 27 December 2015, 11:17

My text for today is from Pink Floyd (Another Brick in the Wall, part II): "If you don't eat your meat, you can't have any pudding!" I'd like to talk about the fallacy embedded in that statement. It's related to many well-known fallacies, but I haven't been able to find an existing name that applies specifically to this fallacy in this form without mixing it up with other things. So I'd like to give it a new name: let this be known as the fallacy of the Pudding.


Thursday 10 December 2015, 13:09

日本語が分かっても、時々英語で植字をしなければならないです。 英語では文章と言葉の中で、いつも空白あります。 LaTeXを使えば、もしかしたら文章と言葉の空白が難しいです。 今日本件の勉強をしましょう。

これはTeX & LaTeX Advent Calendar 2015に僕の寄贈です。

Mountain-climbing addresses for code lines

Wednesday 25 November 2015, 03:59

I found an interesting problem while working on a test case generator for the Tsukurimashou Project. The thing is that I'd like to assign an identifying code, which I will call an address, to each line of code in a code base. It's to be understood that these addresses have nothing to do with machine memory addresses, and they need not be sequential; they are just opaque entities that designate lines of code. Anyway, I would like lines of code to keep the same addresses, at least probabilistically, when the program is modified, so that when I collect test information about a line of code I can still keep most of it after I update the software.

Notes on notes on the plane

Sunday 2 August 2015, 04:09

I have posted a detailed set of notes (PDF file) describing the theory behind my Black Swan Suite, detailing the endless chase of Elmer and Daffy across Penrose, pinwheel, and other nonperiodic tilings of the plane. Fans of music and computational geometry may find the document interesting. At the very least, it was fun to typeset.

Elmer chases Daffy in 1/sqrt(3) time