Aardvark and Bandicoot, Chapter 6

Friday 6 May 2016, 12:25

In which Concern is Expressed for One's Health

[first chapter] | [all in this series]

Aardvark: Good morning, Friend Bandicoot.

Bandicoot: Good morning, Friend Aardvark!

A: I'm surprised to see you here so early. Usually, you don't come in until just before lunch.

B: I was here all night!

Aardvark and Bandicoot, Chapter 5

Thursday 5 May 2016, 12:25

In which there is No More Progress, and a Management Decision is Made

[first chapter] | [all in this series]

Aardvark: Are you almost finished with that module for evaluating expressions?

Bandicoot: Yes! I have your module for parsing strings 80% complete!

A: Friend Bandicoot...

Aardvark and Bandicoot, Chapter 4

Wednesday 4 May 2016, 12:25

In which there Has been a Little More Progress, but Just a Little

[first chapter] | [all in this series]

Aardvark: Friend Bandicoot, where do you stand with the expression evaluation module?

Bandicoot: I'm about 80% finished with the expression parser, Friend Aardvark. It's fun! I do like parsing.

Continue to Chapter 5.

Aardvark and Bandicoot, Chapter 3

Tuesday 3 May 2016, 12:25

In which Progress is Reported

[first chapter] | [all in this series]

Aardvark: Friend Bandicoot, how is that expression evaluator coming along?

Bandicoot: Oh, you mean the parser? It's about 75% complete, Friend Aardvark.

Continue to Chapter 4.

Aardvark and Bandicoot, Chapter 2

Monday 2 May 2016, 12:25

In which Some Points are Clarified, but One is Left Unanswered

[first chapter] | [all in this series]

Bandicoot: Friend Aardvark, Friend Aardvark!

Aardvark: Oh, good morning, Friend Bandicoot. I see you're wearing your programming pants again today.

B: Trousers.

A: What?

Aardvark and Bandicoot, Chapter 1

Sunday 1 May 2016, 12:25

"Ah, why, ye Gods! should two and two make four?"
- Alexander Pope, "The Dunciad"

In which a Project is Initiated

Bandicoot: Good afternoon, Friend Aardvark. I trust you're well?

Aardvark: Yes, thank you, Friend Bandicoot. Are you ready to do some software engineering?

Axel Harvey

Sunday 21 February 2016, 07:39

I would like to say a few words about my close friend Axel Harvey, who I'm informed died yesterday.

The Pudding Fallacy

Sunday 27 December 2015, 11:17

My text for today is from Pink Floyd (Another Brick in the Wall, part II): "If you don't eat your meat, you can't have any pudding!" I'd like to talk about the fallacy embedded in that statement. It's related to many well-known fallacies, but I haven't been able to find an existing name that applies specifically to this fallacy in this form without mixing it up with other things. So I'd like to give it a new name: let this be known as the fallacy of the Pudding.


Thursday 10 December 2015, 13:09

日本語が分かっても、時々英語で植字をしなければならないです。 英語では文章と言葉の中で、いつも空白あります。 LaTeXを使えば、もしかしたら文章と言葉の空白が難しいです。 今日本件の勉強をしましょう。

これはTeX & LaTeX Advent Calendar 2015に僕の寄贈です。

Mountain-climbing addresses for code lines

Wednesday 25 November 2015, 03:59

I found an interesting problem while working on a test case generator for the Tsukurimashou Project. The thing is that I'd like to assign an identifying code, which I will call an address, to each line of code in a code base. It's to be understood that these addresses have nothing to do with machine memory addresses, and they need not be sequential; they are just opaque entities that designate lines of code. Anyway, I would like lines of code to keep the same addresses, at least probabilistically, when the program is modified, so that when I collect test information about a line of code I can still keep most of it after I update the software.