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Sunday 21 August 2022, 00:00
Today is the Queen's Plate, a horse race here in Toronto that is
considered a big enough deal to be reported in the general news media, and
it had me thinking about a peculiarity of horse racing: the qualifications
to enter a race are usually backward compared to human sports. Whereas
human athletes need to be good enough to qualify for an event,
horses need to be not too good.
Monday 29 November 2021, 09:42
How should institutions make hiring and promotion decisions, in theory?
How do institutions make such decisions, in actual practice? What
happens, and what should happen, when someone's career is interrupted? Is
it possible to restore an interrupted career, and should that be done? What
happens to institutions when society overproduces, or underproduces, elite
individuals? This article looks at ways to understand these questions,
starting from an historical episode.
Thursday 12 November 2020, 10:45
The question has come up of building a bridge across the Avon
Gorge. Davies, who manages the funds, says the project must be abandoned
because it is technically impossible. Isambard, the engineer, says it can
be done.

Sunday 23 February 2020, 12:16
Many years ago, when I was less than half my current age, I worked at a
software company where they had a unique engineering process I haven't seen
anywhere else. It was called something like "taking it to Strafco"; it
wasn't a written-down process and when I first heard about it I wasn't sure
of the spelling, but that was what it sounded like.
Thursday 19 September 2019, 09:09
From roughly 1999, when I completed a Bachelor's degree and started a
Master's, until 2016, when I left academia at the postdoctoral research
level, I regularly received solicitations from recruiters trying to interest
me in work in the computing industry. I generally ignored and rejected
these solicitations - mostly because I wanted an academic career instead, and
also partly because the recruiters steadfastly refused to use ever email as a
first-class communications medium, instead trying to "set up a phone call"
for any substantive communication. More about the telephone thing another
For now, the point I'd like to highlight is that as soon as I left the
academic path and updated my LinkedIn profile to say I no longer worked
at a university, I stopped hearing from these people. My qualifications are
the same or better now; it would seem (since I now have some business
experience, and I'm no longer committed to research as a career) that I
might be a better prospect, with more freedom and possible interest to
listen to what they have to say; but the solicitations have just dried up.
It's almost like they only want the one that they can't get.
Sunday 7 July 2019, 11:44
Summer 2019 marks eleven years since I completed my PhD, and three since I
decided to stop looking for an academic job. I want to write about that but
it's hard to do so. I've written and thrown away many drafts of comments on
my own experience, what was promised, what I found instead, and where I
stand now.
Sunday 4 September 2016, 11:18
Vincent: So if you're quitting the life,
what'll you do?
Jules: That's what I've been sitting here
contemplating. First, I'm gonna
deliver this case to Marsellus. Then,
basically, I'm gonna walk the earth.
- Pulp Fiction
Wednesday 20 July 2016, 02:25
My contract with the IT University of Copenhagen ends at the end of
August, and I'll be returning to Canada around the end of September.
Monday 10 February 2014, 08:39
The text below pretty much speaks for itself. Bold highlighting and
numbered footnotes in [square brackets] are mine; all the rest is as I
received it. Some irregularities of spacing and punctuation, visible in the
original email, aren't obvious in the HTML. Names of the students are
redacted because (after finding several more copies on the Web) I imagine
the students are relatively innocent victims of bad advice. Name of the
institution not redacted because I hope others who receive such letters and
look for them on the Web will be able to easily find this posting.