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Sunday 24 July 2022, 00:00
Web services expose their underlying data models throughout their
interfaces, much more so than we might expect, and they're all
different. Two services that seem to be
direct competitors will have importantly different ontologies of the data,
and this affects all aspects of how they feel to users.
Thursday 14 June 2018, 16:15
Project Wonderful, a banner-ad network popular among Web comics authors,
suddenly announced a few days ago that they would be shutting down. I've
used them off and on almost from the very beginning of the system in 2006,
at that time to bring in traffic for my own Web comic and later for some
other projects, both buying and selling ads. There was a Project Wonderful
ad box on this very Web site for several years, now replaced by a permanent
ad for North Coast Synthesis
Sunday 8 October 2017, 11:03
Since launching my own Web shop on Shopify in August, I've spent a fair
bit of time on the Shopify forum, reading comments from other shopkeepers.
There's a specific genre of discussion thread that comes up there about
once per day: the "Why don't I have any sales?" thread. Someone will post
that question, with a link to their own shop, and ask for advice from the
other shopkeepers. I don't have all the answers, but I have noticed some
pretty consistent habits of shopkeepers who have no sales and are asking
the forum for help.
Friday 13 December 2013, 13:09
Saturday 7 December 2013, 10:07
今年「TeX & LaTeX Advent
Sunday 21 July 2013, 06:40
The Firefox GUI becomes more annoying with each "upgrade." I don't know
if they're taking bribes from Chrome, or if they took advice from the same
"professional" UI designer who broke GIMP, or what, but it's really become a
problem. For those who haven't given up on Firefox yet, however, and for my
own future reference, here's something useful I managed to figure out after
a lot of hair-tearing.
You start typing a partial URL into the location bar, and the drop-down
list of suggestions appears. But there's a URL on that list that should
not be there. Maybe it's something embarassing you don't want other
users of your browser to see; maybe it's merely a site other than the one
you want to be the match for the few characters you typed, and yet for some
reason it keeps coming up as the preferred suggestion.
Wednesday 18 January 2012, 13:40
As you probably know by now if you live under a rock and get all your news through the Net, several popular sites are protesting current US proposed Net censorship laws. I'm glad to see that happen, and I'm glad that a lot of people are paying attention, and I don't want to understate how glad I am of those things. But I'm also disappointed by a lot of what I'm seeing, too.
Monday 19 July 2010, 19:26
Hi! I'm a scientific researcher. I have a PhD in computer science. My doctoral dissertation is mostly about the mathematical background of "similarity search." That means looking at things to find other things they are similar to. I've travelled the world to present my work on similarity search at scientific conferences - and some very smart people with very limited funds chose to use those funds to pay for me to do that.
Argument from authority has its limitations, but I would like to make very clear: I am an expert in the specific area of how computers can answer questions of the form "Which thing does this thing most resemble?" Gee, why would I mention this right now?
Thursday 9 August 2007, 03:00
Link to Part 1.
It should not be thought that Six Apart have completely clean hands here.
I'm not by any means a big fan of Six Apart. It's partly because I'm not a
fan of Six Apart that I've left Livejournal and given up my paid account. Nothing in the previous section should be
taken as my saying that Six Apart are perfect. I think they're basically
doing the right thing, but what have they done wrong?
Thursday 9 August 2007, 02:00
Link to Part 1.
In the previous section I mentioned that fandom itself is considered a perversion. I don't think most people in fandom are willing to admit that they know that. It might be another terrible secret - the terrible secret of fandom. The thing is that fandom is about creating a line that separates Us from Them. That's the point. That's why you joined - remember? You wanted to be among your people and escape from the ones who aren't your people. The trouble is that when we separated ourselves from the mainstream, we created a really good reason for the mainstream to separate from us too.
Thursday 9 August 2007, 01:00
I'm hearing another round of rumours about Six Apart, the company that
runs Livejournal, and its deletion of Livejournal users. It sounds like
they've changed their code to make it less obvious when a user has been
deleted (by hiding usernames or something, instead of showing them in
strikethrough), and they're continuing to not follow their stated policies
of issuing warnings and conducting reviews and so on. The fandom community
is up in arms, and the current situation is seen as an example of Six Apart
not sticking to the promises it made last time there was a round of
deletions. I think the time has come for me to reveal the terrible secret
of Livejournal - the one big issue behind this situation, that neither side
wants to admit even to themselves. Because of this one big issue, I think
that fandom is making unreasonable demands of Livejournal. This is a sort
of open letter or reality check for the fandom community: you can't expect
Six Apart to give you what you're demanding, and you need to recognize
Friday 2 April 2010, 19:16
Re-posting of an article first posted in September 2008.
You are an officer, say a commodore, in
the military-diplomatic-exploration organization of an interplanetary nation
with United Federation of Planets (UFP) membership. You've been tasked with
asserting your nation's interests with respect to a certain out-of-the-way
planet that happens to be rich in natural resources. Unfortunately, it's
already inhabited, by a race of disgusting natives we will call the Filthy